Yesterday we went to a small-time carnival set up over next to the race track for two reasons: we love carnivals (even small, sort of dubious-looking ones), and it was visible from the road and the children have eyes.
We sampled the rides; Ethan rode the ladybugs and looked absolutely petrified the entire time, but then refused to get off and when given the chance to choose another ride decided he wanted to go on the ladybugs again. (He looked equally petrified the second time.)
In an act of remarkable bravery, Emerson rode a small roller coaster all by himself. It was much faster and lurchier than any of us expected, especially Emerson. He was the only one on it and when it began its sixth or seventh lap around, Emerson started to look truly alarmed and luckily Eric was able to get the ride operator to stop it.
Emerson was also excited to play a carnival game and was actually successful in shooting a cup off a rack with a nerf dart gun. He is now the proud owner of a small stuffed penguin. I am so, so glad he did not win a live rabbit (also an option).